1·Therefore all those who succeed in destroying the enemy's effective strength should be commended.
2·Only by wiping out the enemy's effective strength can cities or localities be finally held or seized.
3·A beholder mage's arcane hand has an effective Strength score equal to the creature's beholder mage class level.
4·Recent studies have showed that the bio-effective strength of magnetic field is determined by both its intensity and exposing time.
5·Make wiping out the enemy's effective strength our main objective; do not make holding or seizing a city or place our main objective.
6·So long as we are able to wipe out the enemy's effective strength on a large scale, it will be possible to recover lost territory and seize new territory.
7·It is best to use the lowest effective strength as using high strength topical steroids for periods of time can cause side effects such as thinning of the skin.
8·Holding or seizing a place is the outcome of wiping out the enemy's effective strength and often a place can be held or seized for good only after it has changed hands a number of times.
9·One so powerful and effective that it adds new meaning to mass, strength, muscularity, performance, and recovery.
10·Patience and time, tend to be more effective than strength and anger.